Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 2014 General Conference

My mind may explode with all that has been going on. We have started and are in a full mess of homeschool work and field trips and park days and daddy/daughter dances and outings with friends. To add on top of that I am in school 2 nights a week. It's not a show up to class, turn in work and get an easy A kind of a class. No, it's more of a show up to class, have your brain turned up high, do all the extra credit, study every night until 11pm and maybe you will pass kind of a class. However, as of right now I have a 100. I'm bragging just a little, please forgive me. It is well earned. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed and then I add this blog to the dark recesses of my mind that light up every now and again and then my books that oh so badly want to be written are lurking in there too.  AND then add on that we would like to add a wee little one to our sweet family soon- whoa!!

Off topic.
I was laying in bed the other night and it hit me like a punch in the face that I don't have much time here. There is so much I want to do and I do not want to look back after I leave this world behind and wonder what the heck I did with my short time. I want to fill it full with service, creativity, and love surrounded by my loved ones. Learning patience, unconditional love and forgiveness from one another. That is one of the reasons Heavenly Father put us in families, is it not? What better way to learn and grow than within your own family? 

Speaking of families... my hubby and I had a much needed vaca in the Keys.... alone. Like my every day life, it was filled. We had a little down time where we sat by the pool but my lovely ADHD doesn't allow me to sit still for long. We arrived home yesterday and because of fascinating technology we were able to listen to our church's General Conference on the drive home. To watch you can go HERE

Today I am right where I belong. Enjoying my lovely home with my lovely family and watching the lovely conference. With all the turmoil, violence, illness and confusion in the world today I feel so uplifted listening to these wonderful leaders and of course our Prophet, President Monson, whom I deeply love.

Here are some great quotes from this conference:

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